Google Glass Available to Public

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Google Glass Available to Public

Postby Marsbar » Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:12 pm

For one day only, early adapters on Tuesday are getting the chance to purchase Google Glass wearable computing devices at the link below. The company is selling an unspecified number of devices to the public for $1,500 each through its Explorers program.


Buyers must be 18 or older, and U.S. residents with a U.S. shipping address. The one-day sale, which began at 9 a.m. ET, is an expansion of the company’s invitation-only beta program, which began in 2012. “Every day we get requests from those of you who haven’t found a way into the program yet, and we want your feedback too,” Google wrote in a post on Google+ last week. “Any adult in the US can become an Explorer by visiting our site and purchasing Glass for $1500 + tax – and it now comes with your favorite shade or frame, thanks to feedback from our current Explorers. The number of spots available is limited, so mark your calendar if you want to get in.”

And if you would like to order a pair for yourself and me - here's where to do that...but you will have to be in the US or no someone who lives there...hint hint Miss Parker. :-)

BTW - I think the guy in the photo sampling the glasses is Mr. Google himself.
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