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New Years Eve

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:33 am
by Redruby
I just wanted to say Happy New Years to everyone in the MarsdenWorld. We've all had some ups and downs this year so let's all make 20125 the best one yet. ESPECIALLY with our new station !!!
NY 4 eva!!!

Love to all
Happy New Years <3


Re: New Years Eve

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:22 am
by Contact
Happy New Year!

Re: New Years Eve

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:34 am
by Marsbar
Thanks everyone for coming along on a ground breaking New Year's Eve Event. Up to just moments before 8 PM when Igor brought on the connection - we really weren't sure how any of the evening would develop. However, it just became what it was meant to be - a giant audio party, shared with each other, each of you connected with ears absorbing some very fun times and tunes.

A new year has begun, and I'm sure it will hold many great moments. Great moments are things we experience together or alone - providing us with the memories of love and caring for each other.

My thanks to you, cause without each of you - what we did New Year's Eve would be without meaning. Up until a few months back, it had never occurred to me we could come together from my home to be delivered live to yours. What a thrill it was.

I also want to thank those who made it possible.

My friend and business partner Igor Loukine who, primarily behind the scenes kept the entire evening running smoothly and contributing a set of music that seemed right for a party night such as the end of a year and a beginning of a new.

Thanks also to my friend Don Berns who brought a refreshing music perspective and lots of big laughs, designed to give us joy and jubilation. And mostly stumped me when we played The Musical Round Robin.

And then there's the newest non-DJ, DJ. Rob Stuart. An amazing musician who brings a new idea to the presentation of music - both entertaining and stimulating. Of course dear Kim also brought her own wonderful moments throughout the evening. Together Rob and Kim have a very special vibe.

I hope you were able to feel the love each of us found in presenting this kind of new idea for a big celebration.