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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:26 pm
by NewGoldDream
Happiness - if there was an app for it .. it would be MARSDEN APPiness

We should always try to find happiness to enrich our lives and the lives of others.

As you may have read in my articles, I have overcome sorrow in life and now feel anew again with a confident outlook. My spirits have been uplifted and now my life is filled with happiness. Music has played a great part in my recovery and I thank David Marsden. I have had a very positive experience in sharing the music and joining others in chat with David. I wrote a forum posting and got a lot of positive feedback from others. This inspired me to express myself, so I continued to post in the forum and was made to feel comfortable in chat and share in the humour. In my postings I have given praise to David and tried to define all that is good in what he does. His few sayings of 'with style' and 'stay curious' are some topics I tried to define. I also gave praise to TheBarron, and then months later having met such a great guy, I was not far off on my observations, as he was filled with a positive attitude and had great strength of character.

Recently, I came across a short program about happiness on the CBC with Shawn Achor. It may be geared toward corporations and success, but if you can bring a smile to someone, I'm sure it also has a positive effect on you.

There were some startling similarities between their suggestions and what I had been inspired to do lately. If you get a chance, watch it and follow a few of the simple suggestions in your everyday life. One example is to praise someone, another is to do a random act of kindness . I'm sure there are a few other simple tasks that could encourage you to have some good thoughts. Don't wait and hope for something to just come along and bring you happiness. Be curious and find out for yourself. I am also helping a friend overcome sorrow and gain some happiness and self confidence in life.

I have been listening to David's show for about ten months now, and always look forward to chatting with other fun people in the Theatre Chatroom. David enjoys sharing new and old music with friends he has known for many years who have become like family. He shares great music and speaks with you one on one, you feel you have a special friend. He honours and salutes, in a comforting way, dear friends who are no longer with us and who meant so much. As with old music and old friends, David also enjoys sharing new music and gaining many new friends. I am always trying to promote David's positive influence and help him to reach new people. He thrives on being able to share the music with new people and genuinely values each new friendship.

The new movie premiere “I Am What I Play" is going to be good for David and hopefully many will join in celebrating the great music and his chat environment. This is also going to give David and his new venture with NYThespirit good exposure to reach more people. Many here already know of this ... but to anyone new reading this...

David has a way of reaching you, he is genuine and sincere with his words. And when you finally reach out to that screen as a point of contact and make the connection ... you will understand what I have experienced, and hopefully a little happiness will begin to enter your life.
